Regular Services Are Imperative In The Winter Time

Regular Services Are Imperative In The Winter Time

Regular Services Are Imperative In The Winter Time Blog Image

It’s definitely winter: the weather is wet, and the days are short. You may not see active ants or wasps on your property this time of year, but there are still many benefits to having inspections and services performed on your home during the cooler months. Unforeseen issues like water leaks, pest access points, and changes to the sub-structure are not always easy to detect as a homeowner, and if neglected, can degenerate quickly.

Rats are a major concern here in Thurston County. Their populations are increasing rapidly, and unopposed, can wreak havoc in the sub-structure or attic of a home over time. At winter services, our technicians are focused on inspecting homes for pest access points, and controlling emergent populations. This is the stage in the year when rodent pressure on homes is peaking.

There are also a few common pests that are not affected by the weather and will continue to plague homeowners throughout the year. Subterranean termites, spiders, and various types of wood-destroying beetles are just a few that will continue to remain active. Finding one of these infestations before they fully develop can be influential in keeping your home in suitable condition.

We can service homes in the rain, and there are methods for applying products safely during precipitation. An application of this kind on the foundation of a home before spring can effectively prevent an ant infestation before it has a chance to begin. Also, liquid treatments are only one aspect of insect control in the integrated pest management process. Inspection, evaluation, monitoring, and prevention are among the more critical components of this method, and can be accomplished during blustery rain or sweltering heat.

Contact our office with any questions regarding service at (360) 443-5813 or click here to submit a request for more information.
